
DermoScalp Calendula


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Why is Calendula oil so good for your scalp and hair?

Calendula oil is anti-inflammatory, thus relieving itching and redness, and it also soothes the scalp. It protects the skin from harmful radicals and environmental influences such as UV rays. Calendula oil contains various fatty acids, which are important for the renewal of skin cells and the maintenance of the skin's lipid barrier. This oil is suitable for all skin types, but is extra nourishing for dry and mature scalps.

Why oil the scalp regularly: it moisturizes, nourishes, cleans, tones and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. Calendula oil is soothing to the scalp and relieves inflammation, redness and itching. Argan oil, Jojoba Golden and grape seed extracts and oils nourish and moisturize your hair to the maximum. Argan oil restores the protective barriers of the scalp and stimulates cells. Give your hair a boost of vitamin E and Omega-9 fatty acids! Also contains Oleic acid, which helps the scalp recover and renew, and Linoleic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, helps reduce rashes and redness. Massage the oil into sparser areas to encourage hair growth especially in these areas. Rosemary helps accelerate hair growth and thickens it.

DermoScalp Calendula 30 ml ingredients: calendula oil, coconut oil, mild Argan kernel oil, Jojoba Gold, grapeseed extract, olive oil, rosemary extract. It is well suited for delicate and problematic scalps to alleviate ailments!

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How to use?

Kasuta enne juuste pesu kuivale peanahale! Vesi tõrjub õli peanahalt eemale ja märjale peanahale see hooldus ei toimi. Masseeri õrnalt kuiva peanahka, seejärel kanna erinevate peanaha piirkondadele kokku 3-4 (poolikut) pipetitäit DermoScalp peanahaõli. Masseeri õli kenasti peanahale laiali. Võid kanda õli ka üldpikkusele ja juukseotstele. Ära kasuta liiga palju õli, juuksed ei pea olema õlised. Pane juuksed krunni või lihtsalt klambriga kinni. Kui soovid, kaitse, lisa soojust rätiku kandmisega.  Peanahaõli kaitseb ja toidab ka juukseid. Hoia peal 2-tundi ning kasuta parimaks tulemuseks 2 korda nädalas. Võiksid teha peanaha õlitamist kuurina. Ära hoia juukseõli üleöö peal, nii võid hoopis ummistada poore. Parimaks tulemuseks (juuste kiiremaks kasvuks ja tihendamiseks – peanaha stimuleerimiseks)  hoia peanahal ja juustel õli 2-4 tundi. Pese maha õli šampooniga 2-3 korda, pese ja vahuta korralikult igast piirkonnast. Meie soovitame DermoScalp Rosemary või Palmarosa sarja šampoone, sest need ei ole liiga tugeva pesuainega ja jätavad juustesse rikkalikud toitained alles. Seejärel kasuta DermoScalp Palmarosa palsamit väikeses koguses, loputades eriti korralikult, seejärel kuivata juuksed või lase kuivada. Ära mine niiskete juustega magama! Juuksed on siledad ja pehmed, peanahk on mõnusalt niisutatud ja toidetud ning  õnnelik.

NB! If you feel irritation - immediately wash off the product 2-3 times with shampoo. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients - do not use the product! Avoid contact with eyes, as the oils may irritate the eyes. Store the oil in warmer conditions. It can solidify when cool. If it solidifies, hold it under warm water for a minute or make a water bath for the bottle.

Use on eyebrows! You can also use this oil on your eyebrows with a small amount of cotton wool or a brush, if you are not allergic to these ingredients. Keep the oil on for up to 30 minutes, remove the oil with a face wash foam/product. Do not get the product in your eyes! Oils are irritating to the eyes.

After opening, use the product within 3 months!

DermoScalp 30ml 31,40€

Made in Estonia


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