
UUS! Peanaha õli Caramel

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Miks on Caramel õli Sinu peanahale ja juustele nii hea?

Sest meie õlid on valmistatud suure  armastusega Sinu peanaha ja juuste jaoks. DermoScalp
Caramel õli koostises on riitsinusöli, mis on rikkalik rashapete, eriti ritsinoolhappe poolest,
mis omab ka põletikuvastaseid omadusi, on antimikroobne. Kookosõli on samuti antimikroobne ja aitab
ennetada ka valkude kadu juustes, aitab vähendada koma teket, takistab juuste murdumist ja katkemist. Saialill on eriti armastatud oma poletikuvastaste omaduste poolest – rahustab ärritunud peanahka ja
taastab seda, stimuleerib kollageeni toitmist, aitab tugevdada juuksefolliikuleid ja soodustab
samuti juste kasvu. Aloe vera aitab eemaldada peanahalt surnud naharakke, on niisutavate omadustega. Aprikoosituumaõli on rikkalik oleiinhappe ja linaoolhappe poolest. Sisaldab A- ja E-vitamiine. Soodustab samuti juuste kasvu. Kameeliaõli sisaldab rohkelt oomega-9 rashappeid ja E-vitamiini. Niisutab, toidab.
Kaitseb keskkonnategurite ja UV-kirguse ning saaste eest. Looduslikest ölidest ja ekstraktidest koosnev peanahka stimuleeriv, juuksekasvu soodustav ja niisutav ning rahustav peanahale ja juustele möeldud õli. Karamelli aroom annab Sinu protseduuridele veel ühe elamuse. Poputa end regulaarselt ja Sinu kiharad kasvavad kiiremini, peanahk on niisutatud ning puhas, ei kuiva ega kestenda ning beebijuuksed hakkavad samuti kasvama edukamalt. Kasuta ôli ka beebikõõma eemaldamiseks. Kuidas kasutada: kanna õli peanahale (umbes 3-4 poolikut pipetitäit), masseeri örnalt, aktiveeri vereringe. Vöid panna ka möned tilgad oli otstesse, ära liialda! Seejärel on soovituslik hoida 2h seda peanahal, vöid hoida ka 1h. Kasuta parimateks tulemusteks 2 x nädalas. Kui öli on hoitud, pese hästi korralikult peanahk puhtaks 2-3x, olenevalt sampoonist, kasuta sel korral vähem palsamit ja viimistlusvahendeid. Juuksed on niisutatud, säravad ja pehmed ning peanahk on önnelik ning hingav! Öli ei sisalda säilitusaineid. 100% naturaalsed ölid. Kasuta peale avamist 3-kuu jooksul ôli ära! 100% vegan ja loodud armastusega
Eestis! #madeinestonia #crueltyfree

DermoScalp Palmarosa 30ml koostisosad: ricin oil, coconut oil, calendula, aloe vera, apricot kernel, camellia oil, Caramel aroma oil.

Suitable for sensitive and problematic scalps, also helps alleviate the symptoms of Psoriasis and Dermatitis (atopic dermatitis)!

All ingredients are cruelty-free, and the ingredients used in our products are not tested on animals! 100% natural composition, fragrance-free, vegan, and preservative-free!


How to use?

Use on dry scalp before washing your hair! Water repels oil from the scalp, and this treatment does not work on a wet scalp. Gently massage the dry scalp, then apply a total of 3-4 (half) pipettes of DermoScalp scalp oil to different areas of the scalp. Massage the oil nicely into the scalp. You can also apply the oil to the full length and ends of the hair. Do not use too much oil; the hair does not need to be oily. Put your hair in a bun or simply secure it with a clip. If you wish, protect and add warmth by wearing a towel. The scalp oil also protects and nourishes the hair. Keep it on for 2 hours and use it twice a week for best results. You could do a scalp oiling treatment as a course. Do not keep the hair oil on overnight, as it may clog pores. For best results (faster hair growth and thickening – scalp stimulation), keep the oil on the scalp and hair for 2-4 hours. Wash off the oil with shampoo 2-3 times, washing and lathering thoroughly from each area. We recommend DermoScalp Rosemary or Palmarosa series shampoos, as they are not too strong and leave rich nutrients in the hair. Then use a small amount of DermoScalp Palmarosa conditioner, rinsing especially thoroughly, then dry your hair or let it dry. Do not go to bed with wet hair! The hair will be smooth and soft, the scalp nicely moisturized and nourished, and happy.

NB! If you feel irritation - immediately wash off the product 2-3 times with shampoo. If you are allergic to any of the ingredients - do not use the product! Avoid contact with eyes, as the oils may irritate the eyes. Store the oil in warmer conditions. It can solidify when cool. If it solidifies, hold it under warm water for a minute or make a water bath for the bottle.

Use on eyebrows! You can also use this oil on your eyebrows with a small amount of cotton wool or a brush, if you are not allergic to these ingredients. Keep the oil on for up to 30 minutes, remove the oil with a face wash foam/product. Do not get the product in your eyes! Oils are irritating to the eyes.

After opening, use the product within 3 months!

DermoScalp 30ml 31,40€

Made in Estonia


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